A pentode tube hybrid microphone and instrument preamplifier, our flagship product!
The preamp that started it all! The word of mouth was faster than the speed of sound! The Creamer has become the “go to” preamp for many discriminating engineers and producers! Like these busy, on-demand pro’s:
How is Creamer different from the rest of “the pack”? Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it has a very pleasing pentode coloration while retaining transparency until now achieved only with meticulously designed solid state preamps. The advanced hybrid design enables a switchable solid state or transformer output for two distinctively different characters. When you add a choice of pentode or triode tube mode, there are in fact 4 preamp sounds in it.
Unlike some highly popular pro-audio gear manufacturers who use cheap Chinese transformers, we use only the highest quality Cinemag types on both input and output. The bottom line: Creamer will love everything you throw at it: vocals, acoustic and electric guitars, bass, drums, percussion, acoustic instruments, etc.
But don’t take our word for it. Hear what the pros are saying:
Technical Specifications
Design concept: (tube) pentode hybrid preamp, transformer input and output
2 tube modes: triode and pentode
2 channels
Switchable input impedance (for mic input only): 900Ohm, 10kOhm, 2.4kOhm
Instrument (DI) input impedance: 2.2MOhm
Output mode: Transformer or solid state balanced driver
Frequency response: 10Hz-50kHz +/- 3dB
Maximum gain: 74dB
Harmonic distortion: <2% before clipping level, quickly decreases if driven less.
Maximum output level: 32dBu
Minimum output load: 600Ohm
Connectors: XLR mic and output, balanced only
Instrument input: 1/4” unbalanced, mono
Power consumption: 30W
All supply voltages regulated.
285V Plate voltage for huge headroom
Gold plated printed circuit boards with a double copper layer.
Gold plated tube sockets
The Creamer can be ordered with Ni-Fe alloy or pure Steel output transformers:
Creamer A: 2 Ni-Fe alloy core output transformers
Creamer B: 2 pure Steel core output transformers (the choice of most people)
Creamer AB: Ch1 with Ni-Fe transformer, Ch2 with pure Steel.
Please specify mains voltage when ordering: 115VAC or 220-240VAC.
Different input impedances available on special request, please call or email.
We give a one year warranty on parts and labor.
Creamer Plus Dual Pentode Preamplifier
Creamer Special Edition
The Creamer Special Edition has a few improvements over the C Plus:
– Thanks to the new bias circuit, gain can be adjusted in 4 steps, a 3-way
toggle switch plus the G/MAX button. This also eliminates the need for pad.
– All discrete signal path now also in Solid State mode.
– Reduced current draw means less heat dissipation and even more stability.
– Even more headroom
– Soft clipping when overdriven
And all this with the same lush and sparkly tone that the Creamers are known for!